Új év, új bejegyzés. Fantasztikus dolgok történtek az elmúlt évben, többek közt ez a fotósorozat, ami a csodálatos Izlandon készült! Elképesztő a látvány, ami ott kint várja az embereket! Élénk, színes sálaink pont ilyen környezetbe illenek :) A sálainkat fiúk és lányok egyaránt hordhatják. Kiutazásunkat az Erlendis travel intézte, akiknek nagyon hálásak vagyunk! Ezekkel a képekkel szeretnénk Nagyon Boldog és Sikerekben Gazdag Új Évet kívánni!
New year, new post. Last year had been a fantastic year, lot of good things having happened, for example this photoshoot in the amazing Iceland! The view waiting for visitors is incredible! Our vivid, colourful scarves felt at home in that atmosphere :) Our scarves are unisex so boys and girls are able to wear them. Our trip wouldn't have so good without Erlendis travel, and we are so greatful to them! With these pictures we would like to say Happy and Successful New Year Everyone!
New year, new post. Last year had been a fantastic year, lot of good things having happened, for example this photoshoot in the amazing Iceland! The view waiting for visitors is incredible! Our vivid, colourful scarves felt at home in that atmosphere :) Our scarves are unisex so boys and girls are able to wear them. Our trip wouldn't have so good without Erlendis travel, and we are so greatful to them! With these pictures we would like to say Happy and Successful New Year Everyone!
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Granny Style:
All images taken on the Canon D70.