Egy fantasztikus eseményen vehettünk részt az ADEN kozmetikai cég jóvoltából. Az esemény neve Smink and Drink, mely egy országos roadshow, ami egy tökéletes csajos estét foglal magába. A program mindig egy innovatív helyszínen kerül megrendezésre, esetünkben a KAJAHU-ban. Az angol smink márka egy borozgatós, beszélgetős, profi sminkesektől kapott tanácsokkal teli est keretében mutatkozik be, melynek mindig van meglepetés része is.
Az egyik meglepetés a Mi bemutatónk volt.

3 csodálatos Bloggerina segített a kivitelezésben. :) Mivel elég jól ismerjük egymást, így számomra a styling nem okozott túl nagy gondott és szerencsére Mindenkinek eltaláltam a stílusát.
Alexa - a Live Wonderful Life bloggere - két összeállítást mutatott be. A csíkos kabátunk 100% pamutvászon, nagy gallérja és hátul kis fekete masnija teszi elragadóvá. Mivel én Őt egy igazi Dívának tartom második szettje a testhezálló, kivágotthátú fekete body volt fehér, oldalt fodros ceruzaszoknyával. Az egész szett pamutból készült.
Virág - a Virág's Lab bloggere - volt a konferancié. Ő mutatta be a kollekció filozófiáját. A Colors collection csak egy színt foglal magába a pirosat az összes többi darabja fekete illetve fehér. Ez számomra egy fajta lazadás a színekért. A darabok külön-külön abszolút párosíthatók a szivárvány összes színével, ugyanakkor a többségben lévő monokrom kedvelőknek is kedvez. Ha a kollekció összképét nézzük ráébredünk, hogy túl tömény így elkezdünk színekben is gondolkodni, amire a #matchwithyourcolor felhívás is utal.
Virágnak királylányos outfitet állítottam össze. A muszlin szoknyánkat már nem kell bemutatni, ehhez pedig a vállvillantós fehér 100% pamuta crop toppot viselt.
Edina - a My Sweetest Heaven bloggere - a legstreetstyleosabb összeállítást kapta. A 100% pamut, csíkos bő szabású crop top, magasderekú nadrágjával egy szettet alkot melynek van ceruzaszoknyás változata is. Ezt a párosítást magassarkúval és sportcipővel is hordhatjuk, hiszen mindkét sílushoz passzol.
Rajtam egy pamutvászon csíkos szoknya és egy hátul megkötős farmer cropped ing volt.
Az est számomra végig varázslatos volt és mikor Katie - a World of Katie bloggere - is beugrott csak, hogy megnézze a ruháim, teljesen meg voltam hatódva :)
Külön köszönet BOGÁR ZSANETTnek, aki az est fotósa volt.

Szeretném megköszönni a lehetőséget az ADEN cégnek, a Smink&Drink szervezőinek és a KAJAHUnak.
We have been treated to a fantastic occasion courtesy of ADEN beauty company. The event was called Smink&Drink, which is a nationwide roadshow, and a perfect ladies night out. The program is always in an innovative place, on this occasion in KAJAHU. The British brand has invited you for a wine drinking, conversation, and a chance to with professional make-up artists kind of night to introduce itself and it has always has a number of surprises.
One of the surprises was our fashion presentation.
3 wonderful Bloggers helped to make it happen. I know them well, that's why the styling was easy for me and everybody was happy with the outfits I choose for them.
Alexa - Live Wonderful Life's blogger - showed two outfits. Our stripy coat is adorable because of the big collar and the little bow at the back. I think she is a real Diva and that's why the second outfit is a bit tighter. She wore a black low back body and at the side a ruffled, white pencil skirt. The whole outfit is 100% cotton.
Virág - the Virág's Lab's blogger - hosted the show. She was talking about the philosophy of the collection. The Colours collection has only one colour in it, the red colour, all the other pieces are black and white. This for me is an insurgent thing for the colors. The pieces one by one could match with all the colours of the rainbow, but are also good for the people who like monochrome outfits.
For Virág I made a princess outfit. We have already talked about the princess skirt and I matched that with a showing your shoulder, 100% cotton, white crop top.
Edina - the My Sweetest Heaven's blogger - got the most street style outfit. The 100% cotton, loose cut, stripy crop top with a high waisted short is one set; and we also have a matching pencil skirt for it. This outfit could be worn with either high heels or trainers because it's works with both styles.
I wore a cotton skirt and a cropped denim shirt with a bow in the back.
The whole event was wonderful for me and when Katie - the World of Katie's blogger - just came for a look at my collection I was totally touched.
Special thank you to ZSANETT BOGÁR for the pictures.
I would like to say thank you for the ADEN company, the Smink&Drink marketing department and for the KAJAHU restaurant.
Special thank you to Stephen Campbell.
We have been treated to a fantastic occasion courtesy of ADEN beauty company. The event was called Smink&Drink, which is a nationwide roadshow, and a perfect ladies night out. The program is always in an innovative place, on this occasion in KAJAHU. The British brand has invited you for a wine drinking, conversation, and a chance to with professional make-up artists kind of night to introduce itself and it has always has a number of surprises.
One of the surprises was our fashion presentation.

3 wonderful Bloggers helped to make it happen. I know them well, that's why the styling was easy for me and everybody was happy with the outfits I choose for them.
Alexa - Live Wonderful Life's blogger - showed two outfits. Our stripy coat is adorable because of the big collar and the little bow at the back. I think she is a real Diva and that's why the second outfit is a bit tighter. She wore a black low back body and at the side a ruffled, white pencil skirt. The whole outfit is 100% cotton.
Virág - the Virág's Lab's blogger - hosted the show. She was talking about the philosophy of the collection. The Colours collection has only one colour in it, the red colour, all the other pieces are black and white. This for me is an insurgent thing for the colors. The pieces one by one could match with all the colours of the rainbow, but are also good for the people who like monochrome outfits.
For Virág I made a princess outfit. We have already talked about the princess skirt and I matched that with a showing your shoulder, 100% cotton, white crop top.
Edina - the My Sweetest Heaven's blogger - got the most street style outfit. The 100% cotton, loose cut, stripy crop top with a high waisted short is one set; and we also have a matching pencil skirt for it. This outfit could be worn with either high heels or trainers because it's works with both styles.
I wore a cotton skirt and a cropped denim shirt with a bow in the back.
The whole event was wonderful for me and when Katie - the World of Katie's blogger - just came for a look at my collection I was totally touched.

Special thank you to ZSANETT BOGÁR for the pictures.
I would like to say thank you for the ADEN company, the Smink&Drink marketing department and for the KAJAHU restaurant.
Special thank you to Stephen Campbell.