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Camou,Folenta Design Jewellery |
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Samea Noori,Király Fanni Kortárs Ékszerek |
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Samea Noori,Király Fanni Kortárs Ékszerek |
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Mánia by Eeve, JuhaszDora |
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Mánia by Eeve, JuhaszDora |
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Gabo Szerencses, Fanni’s Jewelry |
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Gabo Szerencses, Fanni’s Jewelry Janka Arnóczy Madmé |
Újabb eseményen jártunk, most a fantasztikus Boscolo Hotelnek a Róma termében megrendezésre került Budapest Fashion Night alkalmából. Idén a 10 tervezőből álló designer multistore a Lucky Sheperd bemutatóját láthattuk. A meleg fogadtatás pezsgővel, sütivel később fagylaltal kávéval történt.
Természetesen a fotófal számunkra sokkal érdekesebb volt, minden másnál és mint később kiderült ennek több jelentősége is volt mint , ahogy azt mi akkor gondoltuk. November 30-ig lehet beküldeni az est folyamán készült fotókat a Lucky Sheperdnek. A legjobb képek felkerülnek a Facebook oldalukra ahol 'like' szavazás dönti el ki lett az est legjobban öltözött embere. Bár én nem jelentkeztem, mégis beválogattak, amit nagyon megtisztelőnek tartok. :)
A bemutató után, ami 50perces volt, a Design Roomban lehetett körülnézni, vásárolni, beszélgetni a tervezőkkel.
Gürcan és én Király Fannival beszélgettünk a fantasztikus ékszereiről, melyekben a művészet és a kreativitás, a hagyományőrzés és a modernség ötvöződik. Fantasztikus darabok!
Az alábbi linkeken megtekinthetiket a tervezők munkáit, filozófiájukat és természetesen a Lucky Sheperd minden héten keddtől-csütörtökig 12h-20h-ig, pénteken 10h-20h-ig és szombaton 10h-16h-ig vár Titeket a Fő utca 63-65szám alatt Budapesten.
Fanni’s Jewelry
Folenta Design Jewellery
Gabo Szerencses
Janka Arnoczy
Király Fanni Kortárs Ékszerek
Mánia by Eeve
Samea Noori
We were at Budapest Fashion night, it took place at the fantastic Boscolo Hotel in the room called Rome.
In this year we could see fashion show of 10 designers from the Lucky Sheperd designer multistore. We received a warm welcome with champagne, cake later with ice cream and coffee.
For us, of course, the photo wall was more interesting than anything else and in the end it was more important than even we thought. Until 30 of November you could send your picture of that night to Lucky Shepherd. The best pictures will be on their Facebook and the most "liked" will be the winner of the outfit of the event competition.
I didnt apply for this but they chose my picture, which is a very good feeling for me.
After the show, which was 50 mins, in the Designer Room was a kind of popup store we could talk to the designers, look at their products and buy from them as well.
Gürcan and I were talking with Fanni Király about her fantastic jewelleries, which are mixture of art and creativity also with traditionalist and modern. All of them is fantastic!
In the links below you could find all of the designers products and philosophy, and also the Lucky Sheperd every week is open from Tuesday to Thursday from 12h - 20h on Friday from 10h - 20h and on Saturday from 10h to 16h in FŐ STR. 63-65. 1027 Budapest.
Fanni’s Jewelry
Folenta Design Jewellery
Gabo Szerencses
Janka Arnoczy
Király Fanni Kortárs Ékszerek
Mánia by Eeve
Samea Noori
We were at Budapest Fashion night, it took place at the fantastic Boscolo Hotel in the room called Rome.
In this year we could see fashion show of 10 designers from the Lucky Sheperd designer multistore. We received a warm welcome with champagne, cake later with ice cream and coffee.
For us, of course, the photo wall was more interesting than anything else and in the end it was more important than even we thought. Until 30 of November you could send your picture of that night to Lucky Shepherd. The best pictures will be on their Facebook and the most "liked" will be the winner of the outfit of the event competition.
I didnt apply for this but they chose my picture, which is a very good feeling for me.

After the show, which was 50 mins, in the Designer Room was a kind of popup store we could talk to the designers, look at their products and buy from them as well.
Gürcan and I were talking with Fanni Király about her fantastic jewelleries, which are mixture of art and creativity also with traditionalist and modern. All of them is fantastic!
In the links below you could find all of the designers products and philosophy, and also the Lucky Sheperd every week is open from Tuesday to Thursday from 12h - 20h on Friday from 10h - 20h and on Saturday from 10h to 16h in FŐ STR. 63-65. 1027 Budapest.
Fanni’s Jewelry
Folenta Design Jewellery
Gabo Szerencses
Janka Arnoczy
Király Fanni Kortárs Ékszerek
Mánia by Eeve
Samea Noori