November 4-én megnyitott a NYX professional make up márka az Alleeban.
Erre az eseményre a húgom, Rita hívta fel a figyelmemet. Róla azt kell tudni, hogy ha valakit megszeret azt az embert nagyon szereti. Így mikor kiderült, hogy Karin jön és találkozik a követőivel, egyértelmű volt, hogy ott a helyünk.
A boltba bejutni, csak hosszú sorban állás után lehetett, Karin 3tól - 5ig volt a helyszínen. Miután kiderült, hogy a sor előbb az üzletbe vezet, úgy gondoltuk nem állunk ki a sorból. Ez nem volt egy jó ötlet, hiszen egy márka, amit már külföldről is ismertünk végre Magyarországon is megnyitotta kaput, nyílván nem végeztünk két perc alatt a vásárlással. 5 előtt tíz perccel fantasztikus új smink cuccokkal hagytuk el a boltot, mikor észrevettük, hogy Karin sehol sincs. Húgom könnyhártyás szeme darabokra törte egy szempillantás alatt a szívem, mikor egy ott dolgozó hölgyet megállítva megkérdeztem, hogy ugye még van esély találkozni Karinnal. Nagyon köszönöm utólag is ,hogy akkor telefonon szólt Karinnak, hogy szeretnénk Vele találkozni, aki húgával együtt, volt olyan kedves és miattunk visszajött. A történethez, hozzá tartozik, hogy pont ezen a héten volt szervízben a telefonom és a fények sem voltak a legjobbak, viszont ezek a képek egy számomra nagy Kincsnek bearanyozták a napját! Köszönöm Karin!
On the 4th of November the NYX professional make-up brand opened their first store in Hungary in Allee shopping Centre. For this event my sister, Rita, drew my attention. With my sister you should know one thing, if she loves someone she REALLY loves them! Well, when she found out Karin will be there, it was obvious we will be there as well.
To get in to the shop you have to wait in a long queue. Karin was there from 15h - to 17h. When we found out the queue was going to the shop first we didnt want to wait again, so we went to the shop first. That wasnt a good idea because a brand which we have already known from forigen countries, and has finally opened a shop in Hungary, it was so obvious we wont finish to there in just 5 minutes! We left the shop 10 mins before 17h with fantastic new make up products, when we realised Karin is nowhere. My sisters eyes welled up in tears, which inmediately broke my heart, and so I asked a lady who worked there if there any chance to meet Karin. I would like to say big thank you to that lady because she called Karin who came back with her sister just because for us..
Unfortunately my phone was in sevice and the light wasnt great, but nevertheless these pictures made the day for someone who is really important for me. Thank you so much Karin!
On the 4th of November the NYX professional make-up brand opened their first store in Hungary in Allee shopping Centre. For this event my sister, Rita, drew my attention. With my sister you should know one thing, if she loves someone she REALLY loves them! Well, when she found out Karin will be there, it was obvious we will be there as well.
To get in to the shop you have to wait in a long queue. Karin was there from 15h - to 17h. When we found out the queue was going to the shop first we didnt want to wait again, so we went to the shop first. That wasnt a good idea because a brand which we have already known from forigen countries, and has finally opened a shop in Hungary, it was so obvious we wont finish to there in just 5 minutes! We left the shop 10 mins before 17h with fantastic new make up products, when we realised Karin is nowhere. My sisters eyes welled up in tears, which inmediately broke my heart, and so I asked a lady who worked there if there any chance to meet Karin. I would like to say big thank you to that lady because she called Karin who came back with her sister just because for us..
Unfortunately my phone was in sevice and the light wasnt great, but nevertheless these pictures made the day for someone who is really important for me. Thank you so much Karin!