Múlt hét csütörtökön egy exkluzív helyen, az Andrássy úti EnzoCapo Luxury Apartmentsben jártam, ahol ALEXANDRA VAJDA 2016-os ősz/tél kollekcióját nézhettem meg.
Vajda Alexandra egy igazi céltudatos, határozott, karakán nő aki tudja mit akar és amit eltervez, azt el is éri. Sportos múltja, mely összefonódik az enyémmel a hosszútáv futást illetően kitartásra és kemény munkára tanította Őt. Ezekkel a vonásokkal az ember bármilyen területen dolgozik az életben sikerre van ítélve.Ez a második kollekciója Alexandrának, ennek ellenére nem most kezdett el a divattal foglalkozni. Évek óta sikeres stylist és a modellkedést is kipróbálta.
A kollekció darabjai a 30 -
40-es korosztálynak, azoknak az elegáns nőknek készültek akiknek a hétköznapokban is fontos a kifinomultság és a minőség. Alexandra inkább a minőségre, mint a mennyiségre fókuszál így előszeretettel használ selymet, hernyóselymet, muszlint és bőrt. Szereti az ellentét párokat: a fekete - fehér, nemes textíliák keverése pamuttal vagy a férfias stílusú szabásvonal nagyon nőies muszlin anyagból való elkészítése, mind - mind azokat a határokat feszegetik, melyeknek egyensúlya egy kerek egészet alkot. Alexandra darabjai időt állóak, klasszikusak melyekről sugárzik az ízlés és a stílusosság.
A divatbemutató kiegészítőiként a The Naan Design - az oldalamon már többször bemutatott - kézzel készült bőr ékszerei voltak láthatóak. A modern városi nő tökéletes összképe jelent meg a modelleken.
A est támogatója a Difiori Virágszalon és a Holdvölgy
Pincészet voltak.
Nagyon örülök, hogy ott lehettem ezen a bemutatón és megoszthatom Veletek ezeket az élményeket. Szerintem Alexandráról nem most fogtok először hallani a blogon. :)
I was in a very exclusive place on Andrassy Avenue in the Enzo Capo Luxury Apartments, where I was able to see the 2016 autumn/winter collection of ALEXANDRA VAJDA last Thursday.
Alexandra Vajda is a single-minded, decisive, gritty woman, who knows what she wants and she gets it as well. From her sporty background, (she was a long distance runner), a parallel to my life, she learned perseverance and hard work. These skills will make you successful anywhere in life. This is the second collection from Alexandra but she is not new in fashion, she has a modelling career and she is also a successful stylist for years.
This collection targets the 30 - 40 year old women who is elegant in everyday life and who seeks sophistication, and for whom quality is paramount. For Alexandra the quality is everything. She likes to use silk, floss, muslin and leather. She also likes opposites: black and white, premuim textiles with cotton, manly style pattern shirt with very feminine muslin fabric. These all push the boundaries but with the balance she achieves it is just perfect. Alexandra's pieces are timeless, classic and the clothes talk to good style and taste.
In the fashion show for the accessories there was one of my favourite brands, The Naan Design. I have already talked about their products on the blog. The jewelleries are modern handmade leather goods. It was the perfect choice for the clothes.
In support there was Difiori Virágszalon and the Holdvölgy Pincészet.
I am so happy I could be at this occasion and I think that it will not be the last time you will hear about Alexandra Vajda in this blog.
I was in a very exclusive place on Andrassy Avenue in the Enzo Capo Luxury Apartments, where I was able to see the 2016 autumn/winter collection of ALEXANDRA VAJDA last Thursday.
Alexandra Vajda is a single-minded, decisive, gritty woman, who knows what she wants and she gets it as well. From her sporty background, (she was a long distance runner), a parallel to my life, she learned perseverance and hard work. These skills will make you successful anywhere in life. This is the second collection from Alexandra but she is not new in fashion, she has a modelling career and she is also a successful stylist for years.
This collection targets the 30 - 40 year old women who is elegant in everyday life and who seeks sophistication, and for whom quality is paramount. For Alexandra the quality is everything. She likes to use silk, floss, muslin and leather. She also likes opposites: black and white, premuim textiles with cotton, manly style pattern shirt with very feminine muslin fabric. These all push the boundaries but with the balance she achieves it is just perfect. Alexandra's pieces are timeless, classic and the clothes talk to good style and taste.
In the fashion show for the accessories there was one of my favourite brands, The Naan Design. I have already talked about their products on the blog. The jewelleries are modern handmade leather goods. It was the perfect choice for the clothes.
In support there was Difiori Virágszalon and the Holdvölgy Pincészet.
I am so happy I could be at this occasion and I think that it will not be the last time you will hear about Alexandra Vajda in this blog.

Photos by Nerpel Photography and HadIs-Foto
Special thank you to Stephen Campbell.