Nemrég az ANSWEAR magyarországi launch party-ján vehettem részt, ami a TESLA-ban volt megrendezve. Egy kis prezentációval kezdődött az est, ami magyarul és angolul is elhangzott. :)
Később egy igen dinamikus és figyelem felkeltő táncos divatbemutatónak voltunk szemtanui, amit a Quantum XXL Dance Crew csapat mutatott be. :)
Az, ami most már hazánkban is elérhető, egy multi-brand online ruhaüzlet ahol női-, férfi- és gyermekruházati cikkeket, cipőket és
divatkiegészítőket vásárolhatunk. Jelenleg 6 országban van jelen: Lengyelországban, Ukrajnában, Csehországban, Szlovákiában, Romániában és mostantól Magyarországon is. :) Az több, mint 200márkát kínál közülük csak párat említnék: HUGO BOSS, HUNTER, LACOSTE, TOMMY HILFIGER, MISSGUIDED, RAY-BAN...
Saját márkája az ANSWEAR mely női-, férfiruházatból áll.
Keressétek fel a honlapjukat, mert érdemes!
Recently I got an invitation to the ANSWEAR launch party because they are growing their business in Hungary. The event was located in TESLA.
At the beginning we could see a presentation in Hungarian and English about this online company. :)
After the presentation we got a dynamic and awareness dancing fashion show from the Quantum XXL Dance Crew . :)
The which is now available in Hungary is a multi-brand online store, where we can find womanswear, menswear, childrenswear, shoes and accessories. Until now they have been available in Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and from now also in Hungary. :)
The has more than 200 brand collaborations, I'll just mention some of them: HUGO BOSS, HUNTER, LACOSTE, TOMMY HILFIGER, MISSGUIDED, RAY-BAN...
They have their own brand ANSWEAR which is a womanswear and menswear.
Go to their website because it worth it!
Special thank you to Ildikó Esztergályos.
photos by Barna Aradi
At the beginning we could see a presentation in Hungarian and English about this online company. :)
After the presentation we got a dynamic and awareness dancing fashion show from the Quantum XXL Dance Crew . :)
The which is now available in Hungary is a multi-brand online store, where we can find womanswear, menswear, childrenswear, shoes and accessories. Until now they have been available in Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and from now also in Hungary. :)
The has more than 200 brand collaborations, I'll just mention some of them: HUGO BOSS, HUNTER, LACOSTE, TOMMY HILFIGER, MISSGUIDED, RAY-BAN...
They have their own brand ANSWEAR which is a womanswear and menswear.
Go to their website because it worth it!
Special thank you to Ildikó Esztergályos.
photos by Barna Aradi