The best of Mod'Art divatbemutató két részből állt. Az első részben az iskola jelelnlegi tanulói mutatták be munkáikat. A második részben muatatkoztak be a
már sikeres Mod'artot végzett tervezők és márkáik, Designers of Mod'Art: Yuuth, Zsigmond
Dóra, Kamorka, ENIHORN, Delacier.
Természetesen nem egy egyszerű bemutatót láthattunk, hanem igazi Mod'Art-os előadást, ahol egy-egy ruhához egy-egy életképet csatoltak, így még izgalmasabbát téve az estét. A showban kicsik - nagyok, fiúk - lányok egyaránt részt vettek. A Francia Intézet természetesen fantasztikus helyszínt biztosított a 10éves szülinapját ünneplő Mod'Art-nak.
Reméljük a következő szülinapok is ennyire jól fognak sikerülni!
The best of the Mod'Art fashion show had two parts. The first part was for the students who are currently studying in Mod'Art. The secound part was for the successful designers and their brands who had studied in Mod'Art:
Yuuth, Zsigmond Dóra, Kamorka, ENIHORN, Delacier.
Of course it wasn't simply a fashion show, it was 100% a Mod'Art style performance, where we could see around one-one clothes, with them building to a moment which made the evening more interesting. In the show we could see children and adults, boys and girls. The French Institute ensured an amazing place for Mod'Art to celebrate their 10th Birthday.
We hope the future birthdays will be just as enjoyable as this one.
The best of the Mod'Art fashion show had two parts. The first part was for the students who are currently studying in Mod'Art. The secound part was for the successful designers and their brands who had studied in Mod'Art:
Yuuth, Zsigmond Dóra, Kamorka, ENIHORN, Delacier.
Of course it wasn't simply a fashion show, it was 100% a Mod'Art style performance, where we could see around one-one clothes, with them building to a moment which made the evening more interesting. In the show we could see children and adults, boys and girls. The French Institute ensured an amazing place for Mod'Art to celebrate their 10th Birthday.
We hope the future birthdays will be just as enjoyable as this one.