Előtte/Before |
Utána/After |
Utána/After |
Előtte/Before |
Utána/After |
Az őszi - téli kollekció look book fotói a divat fővárosában a gyönyörű Párizsban készültek. Ahogy azt a mondás is tartja Párizs esőben a legszebb. :) Ezt élőben is megtapasztaltam, hiszen a rövid kint tartózkodásom alatt egyik nap eleredt az eső.
Ez természetesen semmit se változtatott azon a terven, hogy fotózzunk :)
A fekete - fehér derékban karcsúsított kabátot fekete - fehér táskával és fehér cipővel viseltem. A fekete kör napszemüveg tette kicsit sikkessé az outfitet, míg az egyetlen színt amit használtam a rózsaszín Mac Candy Yum Yum rúzsom adta. Ezzel ki is lógtam a franciák fekete szettet, vér vörös rúzssal kombináló tömegéből. :)
A heves esőzés felhívta a figyelmemet erre a gyönyörű csarnokra aminek meg a boltíve is káprázatos. Míg itt fotóztunk valami elképesztő dolog történt. Egy elegáns, fiatal nő (Charlotte) lépett oda hozzám és enyhe francia akcentussal és kiváló stílusérzékkel kicsit megstylingolta az akkor már enyhén lelapult és ázott frizurám. Az eredmény elég látványos a képeken, az élmény pedig abszolút felülmúlhatatlan, mikor Párizsban egy párizsi nő segít a minél jobb fotóanyag elkészítéseben. Charlotte nagyon emlékezetessé tette, mind a fotózást, mind Párizst, mind a divat, stílus, sikkes francia nők összefonódását.
The autumn/winter collection's photographs were taken in the capital city of fashion. As the saying goes, Paris in the rain is at its most beautiful. :) I was able to experience that, because in the short time I was there it was a rainy day. That didn't affect our decision to have a photoshoot that day. :)
I wore a black and white slimfit in the waist coat with a black and white handbag and white shoes. The black rounded sunglasses gave the whole outfit a chic look, and the only colour I used was my Mac Candy Yum Yum pink lipstick. With that choice I deviated from the usual French look, which is black with a blood red lipstick :)
The heavy rain showed me this gorgeous hall whose arch is also spectacular. Whilst we were taking our photoshoot here, something unusual and amazing happened. An elegant, young woman (Charlotte) came to me and with a slight French accent in her English and with perfect style she styled my flattened and wet hair. The result is absolutely spectacular on the pictures, and the experience when in Paris a French woman helps you to have better pictures it is just amazing!!!
Charlotte made my day, the photoshoot and also the fact that Paris is the most fashionable, stylish and chic city I have ever experienced.
The autumn/winter collection's photographs were taken in the capital city of fashion. As the saying goes, Paris in the rain is at its most beautiful. :) I was able to experience that, because in the short time I was there it was a rainy day. That didn't affect our decision to have a photoshoot that day. :)
I wore a black and white slimfit in the waist coat with a black and white handbag and white shoes. The black rounded sunglasses gave the whole outfit a chic look, and the only colour I used was my Mac Candy Yum Yum pink lipstick. With that choice I deviated from the usual French look, which is black with a blood red lipstick :)
The heavy rain showed me this gorgeous hall whose arch is also spectacular. Whilst we were taking our photoshoot here, something unusual and amazing happened. An elegant, young woman (Charlotte) came to me and with a slight French accent in her English and with perfect style she styled my flattened and wet hair. The result is absolutely spectacular on the pictures, and the experience when in Paris a French woman helps you to have better pictures it is just amazing!!!
Charlotte made my day, the photoshoot and also the fact that Paris is the most fashionable, stylish and chic city I have ever experienced.
Photos by Balazs Modis
Coat: www.andreaszanyi.com
Shoes: Bershka
All images taken on the Canon eos 70D.