Fantasztikus divatbemutatón és pop up-on vettünk részt a Mad Budapest-ben, ahol a Lipsclothes x Boda Skins by Manusia ruhákat, Chillearrings kiegészítőkkel láthattunk a kifutón.
Azt est házigazdája Edina ( My Sweetest Heaven - Hungarian Fashion Blog ) volt :), ami még otthonosabbá tette az eseményt számunkra hiszen Őt jól ismerjük :)
A ruhák fantasztikusak, belecsempészik az elegenciát és a nőiességet a mindennapokba. A bőrkabátoknak sincs heted hét határon párja, hiszen mindenki megtalálhatja a saját stílusához valót a kollekcióban! A Chillerings kiegészítők csak tökéletesítették az összképet, amit a mediterrán vérmérséklet jellemzett.
We were at a fantastic pop up event and fashion show in Mad Budapest, where Lipsclothes x Boda Skins by Manusia clothes were matching with Chillearrings accessories on the runway.
The host was Edina ( My Sweetest Heaven - Hungarian Fashion Blog ) :) a fact which made our time more cozy because we know her well :)
The clothes were fantastic, they make the everyday look more elegant and feminine. The leather jackets have no competition, and everybody can find their style in the collection! The Chillearrings accessories made the overall picture perfect, characterized by the Mediterranean style.
We were at a fantastic pop up event and fashion show in Mad Budapest, where Lipsclothes x Boda Skins by Manusia clothes were matching with Chillearrings accessories on the runway.
The host was Edina ( My Sweetest Heaven - Hungarian Fashion Blog ) :) a fact which made our time more cozy because we know her well :)
The clothes were fantastic, they make the everyday look more elegant and feminine. The leather jackets have no competition, and everybody can find their style in the collection! The Chillearrings accessories made the overall picture perfect, characterized by the Mediterranean style.
Thank you for the pictures for HadIs-Foto.
Make-up by Farkas Judit Professional Makeup Artist
Hair by Németh - Csányi Judit